Add Control Parameters for Assembly

Since we have created an assembly document, we must add some other user parameters.

Create Parameters to Control Port Sizes

  1. Open the Parameters dialog box.
  2. Create the numeric parameter port_a_size.
  3. Set Unit to in.
  4. Create a multi-value list with these values..
  5. Select 0.50 from the new multi-value list.
  6. Define port_a_size as a Key parameter.
  7. Leave the dialog box open, and repeat the previous steps to create two additional parameters named port_b_size and port_c_size.

Create Parameters to Control Component Type and Block Style

For component type:

  1. Create the text parameter component_type.
  2. Create a multi-value list with the values standard and custom.
  3. Set the value to standard.
  4. Define component_type as a Key parameter.

For block style:

  1. Create the text parameter block.
  2. Create a multi-value list with the values tee and elbow.
  3. Set the Multivalue list to tee.
  4. Define block as a Key parameter.

Create Parameters to Control Component Part Numbers

Create the following additional text parameters:

For each parameter, set the Equation value to 1.

Save the File

When you have defined all the parameters, Save the assembly file.

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