Include Optimization Criteria

Remember that our goal for this simulation is to minimize weight. We optimize the simulation using a range of geometric configurations generated previously while utilizing the Yield Strength failure criteria.

Add Design Constraints

  1. In the Design Constraints section, pause the cursor over the empty row, right-click, and click Add Design Constraint.
  2. In the Select Design Constraint dialog box, click Mass, and click OK.
  3. Repeat step 1.
  4. In the Select Design Constraint dialog box, Select Von Mises Stress. Ensure that Geometry Selections is All Geometry.
  5. Click OK.

Enter Limit values and safety factor

  1. In the Von Mises Stress row, click in the Constraint type cell, and select Upper Limit from the drop-down list.
  2. Enter 20 for Limit.
  3. Enter 1.5 for Safety Factor .

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