Edit bend on lofted flange in sheet metal

Allows editing of the bend radius and unfold rule for individual bends within a selected bend zone of a lofted flange.

  1. Select Edit Bends from the context menu of the bend child-feature of a lofted flange.
  2. Within the graphics window, click the Bend Zone Edit glyph in the zone containing the bend you want to edit.
  3. Within the graphics window, click to select the Bend Edit glyph of the bend to display the Bend Edit dialog box.
  4. Optionally, check Bend Radius on the dialog box and enter a new value or parameter for the bend radius.
  5. Optionally, check Unfold Rule on the dialog box and select a new unfold rule for the bend.
  6. Click OK to apply the edits to the selected bend and close the dialog box.
Note: Click the “X” located on the dialog box title bar at any time to close the Bend Edit dialog box without applying any changes.