Draw line using dynamic input

  1. In Sketch mode, on the ribbon Sketch tab Draw panel , click Line .
  2. In the graphics window, pick a starting point for the line. When Pointer Input is turned on, the X and Y starting values for the line display.
  3. In the highlighted input box, enter a value for the length (distance) of the line segment, and press TAB. The field displays a lock icon to indicate that the value you entered constrains the cursor.
    Note: If you press ENTER after you enter the length value, the line is drawn at the specified length, but without a specified angle. The angle of the line reflects the current cursor angle instead.
  4. The second value input box highlights. Enter a value for the angle of the line.
  5. Press ENTER. The line segment is drawn and dimensioned automatically using the values you entered.
  6. Continue drawing lines, or press ESC to quit the Line command.
Tip: To close a sketch profile back to its starting point, draw two or more line segments. Right-click, and select Close. The Line command remains active.