Extend curve

Extend curves in sketches.

In a 3D sketch, extend curves to intersections with a face, work plane, or surface.

Extend without selecting a boundary (2D and 3D Sketch)

  1. On the ribbon, click Sketch tab Modify panel Extend .
  2. In the graphics window, pause the cursor over a curve to preview the extension, then click the curve to complete.
  3. Continue to extend curves.
  4. To quit extending curves, click Esc, click another command, or right-click and select OK.
  5. Tip: To switch to the Trim or Split commands, right-click, and select the appropriate option. To perform the trim operation temporarily, hold down Shift. Release to resume the extend operation.

Extend by selecting a boundary (2D Sketch)

  1. On the ribbon, click Sketch tab Modify panel Extend .
  2. Hold down CTRL and note the Status Bar, or Dynamic Prompt instructs you to “Select geometry to Extend to.”
    • Select the boundary geometry.
  3. Release CTRL.
  4. In the graphics window, pause the cursor over the curve to preview the result, then click the curve to complete.
  5. Continue to extend curves.
  6. To quit extending curves, press Esc, click another command, or right-click, and select OK.

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Dynamically extend sketch geometry (2D Sketch)

  1. On the ribbon, click Sketch tab Modify panel Extend .
  2. In the graphics window, hold down the left mouse button and move the cursor over the sketch.

    As the cursor path crosses over them, all lines or curves extend.

  3. To quit extending curves, press Esc, click another command, or right-click, and select OK.

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