Getting Started

In this section, you open an existing mold assembly. You add mold features to this mold assembly throughout the tutorial.

  1. Click Inventor to launch Inventor.
  2. Close all open windows in Inventor .
  3. On the ribbon, click Get Started tab > Launch panel > Projects.
  4. Click Browse.
  5. Set your active project to MoldStructuralAssembly.ipj
  6. In the Projects dialog box, click Configure Content Center Libraries.
  7. In the Configure Libraries dialog box, scroll to the Inventor Mold Metric library and ensure that the In Use check box is enabled.
  8. Click OK on the Configure Libraries dialog box.
  9. Click Done on the Projects dialog box.
  10. On the ribbon, click Get Started tab > Launch panel > Open.
  11. Navigate to and select \Mold Top\Mold Top.iam.
  12. Click Open to open the mold assembly. If you are prompted to convert to Appearances, click No. The mold assembly appears as shown in the following image.
  13. Right-click Mold Design in the browser and make sure Prompt for File Names is enabled.

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