You can use generic connectors provided in the Content Center, or create custom connectors that you author and publish to Content Center. Create a custom raw ribbon cable definition.
- Open Enclosure_Assembly.iam from the Cable & Harness subfolder. It is the same assembly you used in the previous tutorial.
- Activate the Ribbon Cable harness assembly.
- On the Ribbon, click
Cable and Harness tab
Manage panel
- Select Raw Ribbon Cable as the harness object type.
- Click the New command and examine the properties that are unique to ribbon cables. Examples include the ability to set different colors for conductor one and the ribbon cable body.
- On the General tab, enter the manufacturing information for the ribbon cable:
Name: 28-AWG-9-Conductor
Category: Tutorial
Part Number: 28-AWG-9-Conductor
Conductor One: Red
Ribbon Body: Gray (Light)
Number of Conductors: 9
Pitch: 0.05 in
Height: 0.035 in
Width:. 0.450 in
Gauge: 28
(Core size is optional. Leave it blank.)
- Click Save, and the new raw ribbon cable is added to the library in the Tutorial category.
- Click Close.
The ribbon cable definition is added to the Cable and Harness library.
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