The Content Center contains a sample ribbon cable connector. Place one instance of a 10-pin connector in the Ribbon Cable harness assembly.
- On the ribbon, click
Assemble tab
Component panel
Place from Content Center
- On the Place from Content Center, Category View pane, navigate to Cable & HarnessConnectorsRibbon Cable and select the Ribbon Cable Connector.
- Click Table View to view the family members for the ribbon cable connector.
- In the preview table, note the Member name for the 10-pin connector. In this case, it is the first member in the list.
- Double-click the image of the ribbon cable connector to select it.
- On the Ribbon Cable Connector dialog box, ensure that the following are selected:
- Click OK.
In the graphics window, the part is attached to the cursor.
- Rotate the enclosure to get a better view of the RC Male Connector (1).
- Click in the background of the graphics window to place the part (2). Exact placement is not important.
- Right-click and select Done.
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