Place Connectors from Content Center

The Content Center contains a sample ribbon cable connector. Place one instance of a 10-pin connector in the Ribbon Cable harness assembly.

  1. On the ribbon, click Assemble tab Component panel Place from Content Center .
  2. On the Place from Content Center, Category View pane, navigate to Cable & HarnessConnectorsRibbon Cable and select the Ribbon Cable Connector.
  3. Click Table View to view the family members for the ribbon cable connector.
  4. In the preview table, note the Member name for the 10-pin connector. In this case, it is the first member in the list.
  5. Double-click the image of the ribbon cable connector to select it.
  6. On the Ribbon Cable Connector dialog box, ensure that the following are selected:
    • Ribbon Cable Connector-01

    • As Standard

  7. Click OK.

    In the graphics window, the part is attached to the cursor.

  8. Rotate the enclosure to get a better view of the RC Male Connector (1).
  9. Click in the background of the graphics window to place the part (2). Exact placement is not important.
  10. Right-click and select Done.

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