Define the New Style - Sheet Metal Rule Gauge and Material

Next, you define a new sheet metal rule style that includes a sheet metal gauge and material, along with bend and corner relief attributes.

To define the gauge and material:

  1. On the ribbon, click {Condition: product='inv'}{Condition: product='inv'} Manage tab Styles and Standards panel Styles Editor .

    The browser on the left side of the Styles and Standards Editor lists three style types or style categories:

    • Lighting
    • Sheet Metal Rule
    • Sheet Metal Unfold

    Unique styles are nested under each of these top-level nodes.

    Expand the Sheet Metal Rule style category in the browser.
  2. Right-click the Default node, and select New Style from the pop-up context menu. Name the new style Sheet Metal Rule Style Test. Click OK to close the New Local Style dialog box.
  3. Ensure that the new style is selected in the browser, and that the Sheet tab is selected.
  4. Select Steel, Mild from the Material menu.
  5. Specify a thickness of .105 in.

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