Controls the visibility of individual constraint glyphs.
Sketch tab
Constrain panel
Constraint Visibility
Lists the constraint glyphs to show or hide.
In 3D Sketch, a grayed check box means that the constraint is not available.
Places a check mark in each active check box.
Removes all check marks. No constraint glyphs are shown.
The following lists the constraint types and their definitions:
Causes selected linear geometry to lie at right angles to each other. Linear geometry includes lines, ellipse axes, spline handles, text edges, and imported images.
Causes curves, including ends of a spline, to be tangent to other curves. One curve can be tangent to another even if they do not physically share a point.
Causes two points to be constrained together, or causes one point to lie on a curve. In a 3D sketch, can also cause points and lines to be constrained to surfaces.
The yellow coincident dot represents the presence of the constraint. To show the coincident constraint glyphs, hover over the coincident dot.
Causes selected linear geometry to lie on the same line. In addition to lines, this includes ellipse axes, spline handles, text edges, and imported images.
(2D sketch only) Causes selected linear geometry or pairs of points to lie parallel to the X axis of the sketch coordinate system. In addition to lines and pairs of points, this includes ellipse axes, spline handles, text edges, and imported images.
Causes selected linear geometry to lie parallel to each other. In addition to lines, this includes ellipse axes, spline handles, text edges, and imported images. In a 3D sketch, the parallel constraint is parallel to X, Y, or Z part axes unless you manually constrain to selected geometry.
Causes a continuous curvature between a spline and another line, arc, or spline.
(2D sketch only) Causes two arcs, circles, or ellipses to have the same center point.
(2D sketch only) Causes selected arcs and circles to resize to the same radius or selected lines to resize to the same length.
(2D sketch only) Causes selected linear geometry or pairs of points to lie parallel to the Y axis of the coordinate system. In addition to lines or pairs of points, this includes ellipse axes, spline handles, text edges, and imported images.
(2D sketch only) Causes selected lines or curves to become proportionally constrained around a selected line. Segments constrained to the selected geometry also reorient when the constraint is applied.
Causes points and curves to be placed in a stable position relative to the sketch coordinate system. If the sketch coordinate system moves or rotates, fixed curves or points move or rotate with it.
Indicates an associative relationship between projected geometry and the geometry from which it was projected.
(2D sketch only) Indicates sketch geometry that is associated with Rectangular Pattern or Circular Pattern.