About this tutorial

Insert individual wires or cables.


Routed Systems

Time Required

30 minutes

Tutorial File Used

Enclosure_Assembly.iam saved from previous tutorial.

WireListImport.csv, WireListConfiguration.cfg

Note: Click and read the required Tutorial Files Installation Instructions athttp://www.autodesk.com/inventor-tutorial-data-sets-2014 . Then download the tutorial data sets and the required Tutorial Files Installation Instructions, and install the datasets as instructed.

After connectors are placed and the harness assembly file is created, you can insert individual wires or cables.

Wires are inserted as occurrence wires. For cables, you select the pins for each wire or conductor in the cable. Wire and cable properties, such as color, diameter, and minimum bend radius are inherited from the library definition.


  • Insert wires and cables.
  • Move wires and cables.
  • Delete wires and cables.
  • Replace wires.
  • Assign virtual parts.
  • Import harness data.
  • Add wire points.
  • Redefine and move wire point.
  • Delete wire point.
  • Set Occurrence properties.
  • Change wire and cable displays.


  • Perform the previous tutorial, Cable and Harness Library, and save the tutorial file for use in this tutorial.
  • Know how to navigate the model space with the various view commands.
  • See the Autodesk Inventor Help topic “Fundamentals” and the New User tutorials for further information.

Navigation Tips

  • Use Next or Previous at the bottom-left to advance to the next page or return to the previous one.
