Set Modeling and Curvature Behavior

Before you begin creating harness objects, you set default configuration options on the Harness Settings dialog box.

  1. Open Enclosure_Assembly.iam from the Cable & Harness subfolder. It is the same assembly you used in the previous tutorial.
  2. In the browser, double-click Harness Assembly1 to edit it.
  3. Right-click Harness Assembly1, and select Harness Settings.
  4. On the General tab, ensure Use Surfaces for All Segments and Wires is selected. Use this setting for faster processing times while creating and editing harness assemblies.
  5. Click the Wires/Cables tab.
  6. Under Natural Curvature click Without Natural Curvature. This setting controls whether wires exit a connector tangent to the connector or straight from point to point.
  7. If desired, click the other tabs and examine any settings of interest.
  8. Click OK.

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