To begin, create the top-level assembly.
- Set you active project to tutorial_files.
- Start a new Standard (mm) assembly.
On the ribbon, click Assemble tab
Component panel
Place , or right-click and choose Place Component from the context menu.
- Select Cylinder Clamp
Cylinder Base.ipt and choose Open.
- Right-click and select Place Grounded at Origin. The component is placed in the assembly.
Note: By default, you can place multiple copies. If you click in the graphics window, you will place two copies. If you accidentally placed two copies remove one before proceeding.
- Right-click, and select OK, or press ESC to exit the command.
- Orient the view as shown in the following image. Set the view as the Home view. Make sure Work Plane1 in the center of the base is visible.
Tip: If necessary, expand the list under Cylinder Base in the browser, right-click Work Plane1, and turn on Visibility.
- Save the file with the name Cyl_Clamp.iam.
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