Create the Assembly

To begin, create the top-level assembly.

  1. Set you active project to tutorial_files.
  2. Start a new Standard (mm) assembly.
  3. On the ribbon, click Assemble tabComponent panel Place , or right-click and choose Place Component from the context menu.
  4. Select Cylinder Clamp Cylinder Base.ipt and choose Open.
  5. Right-click and select Place Grounded at Origin. The component is placed in the assembly.
    Note: By default, you can place multiple copies. If you click in the graphics window, you will place two copies. If you accidentally placed two copies remove one before proceeding.
  6. Right-click, and select OK, or press ESC to exit the command.
  7. Orient the view as shown in the following image. Set the view as the Home view. Make sure Work Plane1 in the center of the base is visible.
    Tip: If necessary, expand the list under Cylinder Base in the browser, right-click Work Plane1, and turn on Visibility.
  8. Save the file with the name Cyl_Clamp.iam.

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