Create custom scene styles in shared environments


Modeling environment (.ipt or .iam file): On the ribbon, click Environments tab Begin panel Inventor Studio .

You can store custom background images used in scene styles in the Backgrounds folder in the Autodesk Inventor installation path for public use documents. Note: The location is OS dependent. These files can be: .bmp, .jpg or .png. In a shared environment, we recommend the CAD administrator:


The CAD administrator performs these tasks.

Part 1: Create project file specifically for editing and defining styles.

  1. Specify the location of the styles library on a shared network folder. For example: [shared network folder]:\Inventor\Styles\.
  2. Create a subfolder named Studio Scene Images.
  3. In the Project Editor, under Frequently Used Subfolders, add an entry named Studio Scene Images which points to [shared network folder]:\Inventor\Styles\Studio Scene Images. It displays after editing the project editor pane as, Studio Scene Images - Workspace\Studio Scene Images.
  4. Copy your scene images to the folder.
    Note: All background images in this folder can now be accessed from the Scene Styles dialog box, accessed from Scene Styles in the Scene panel of the Render tab.
  5. Set the Folder Options, Styles Library path to .\.
  6. Set Use Styles Library = Read-Write
  7. Save the project file.

Part 2: Assign custom background image to scene style.

  1. Open a new or existing .ipt or .iam file.
  2. If necessary, click Environments tab Begin panel Inventor Studio to switch to the Autodesk Inventor Studio environment.
  3. On the ribbon, click Render tab Scene panel Scene Styles .

    To assign a background image to a scene style

    1. Select the Background tab.
    2. Under Type, select the image option, 3rd from the left.
    3. Browse to the Studio Scene Images folder, setup above, and select the background image.
    4. If you do not want shadows showing against the background, click the Environment tab. Uncheck the Show Shadows option.
    Note: If you relocate the styles library folder, its subfolders and images come with it.
  4. To preserve the Scene style, make it the active scene style. Then, in the dialog box toolbar, click Save to Style Library.