You can store custom background images used in scene styles in the Backgrounds folder in the Autodesk Inventor installation path for public use documents. Note: The location is OS dependent. These files can be: .bmp, .jpg or .png. In a shared environment, we recommend the CAD administrator:
- Create one Autodesk Inventor project file that allows styles to be edited.
- Create a second project file which provides a read-only styles library.
- Distribute the read-only styles library project file to the users.
The CAD administrator performs these tasks.
Part 1: Create project file specifically for editing and defining styles.
- Specify the location of the styles library on a shared network folder. For example: [shared network folder]:\Inventor\Styles\.
- Create a subfolder named Studio Scene Images.
- In the Project Editor, under Frequently Used Subfolders, add an entry named Studio Scene Images which points to [shared network folder]:\Inventor\Styles\Studio Scene Images. It displays after editing the project editor pane as, Studio Scene Images - Workspace\Studio Scene Images.
- Copy your scene images to the folder.
Note: All background images in this folder can now be accessed from the Scene Styles dialog box, accessed from Scene Styles in the Scene panel of the Render tab.
- Set the Folder Options, Styles Library path to .\.
- Set Use Styles Library = Read-Write
- Save the project file.
Part 2: Assign custom background image to scene style.
- Open a new or existing .ipt or .iam file.
- If necessary, click
Environments tab
Begin panel
Inventor Studio
to switch to the Autodesk Inventor Studio environment.
- On the ribbon, click
Render tab
Scene panel
Scene Styles
. To assign a background image to a scene style
- Select the Background tab.
- Under Type, select the image option, 3rd from the left.
- Browse to the Studio Scene Images folder, setup above, and select the background image.
- If you do not want shadows showing against the background, click the Environment tab. Uncheck the Show Shadows option.
Note: If you relocate the styles library folder, its subfolders and images come with it.
- To preserve the Scene style, make it the active scene style. Then, in the dialog box toolbar, click Save to Style Library.