We now try different miter options and use the one that best fits our design.
- To create a clearance for a groove weld and see the two miter types, enter 5 mm in the Miter Cut Extension field.
Miter Cut at both sides is selected by default. As the name implies, this option adds or removes material on both components equally.
- Click Apply.
The total offset distance between the mitered faces is 5 mm.
- To continue experimenting with the miter options, select Miter Cut at one side.
- Select the lower tube, and then select the upper tube.
- Click Apply.
The joint is offset 5 mm, but only the lower tube is offset from the joint midplane.
- This time, select the upper tube first, and then the lower tube.
- Click Apply.
The first component selected is the component offset from the joint midplane.
- Create another miter joint at the other tube junction.
- Click Cancel when finished.
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