Add Constraints

Next, we define the boundary conditions by adding structural constraints and loads. We start with constraints first.

Note: Constraints are required for frame simulations. If you start a simulation without constraints, a dialog box displays the error message: No constraints defined.
  1. In the Constraints panel, click Pinned. The dialog box displays with the Origin selector active.
  2. Select the beam as shown in the image. The preview of the pinned constraint displays.
  3. Make sure the Absolute option is selected in the Pinned Constraint dialog box. We insert the offset value using the absolute values measured from the beginning of the beam.

    Note: You can use the Local Systems command in the Display panel to show the beam coordinate systems to define the beginning of the beams.
  4. In the Pinned Constraint dialog box, set Offset to 170 mm, and click OK. The Pinned constraint is applied.
  5. Insert the second pinned constraint to the same beam. Again, click Pinned in the Constraints panel.
  6. Select the same beam, and set Offset to 2330 mm. Click OK.

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