- Open a part file or double-click a part in an assembly to edit the part in-place.
- On the ribbon, click
Inspect tab
Analysis panel
. Tip: After the initial analysis is saved, you can right-click the saved analysis in the folder in the Model browser, and then select Edit from the context menu.
- If appropriate, enter a custom name.
Tip: After the initial analysis is saved, you can slow double-click the name text in the Model browser to rename the analysis.
- From the drop-down menu, select Gaussian, Mean Curvature, or Max Curvature.
- Set the ratio value that maps the start (blue end) and end (green end) of the color gradient. Select from the minimum and maximum drop-downs or click AutoRange to automatically set the curvature ratio so that the analysis display uses the whole range of colors.
- Select Gradient to display results in a gradient rather than stripes.
- Specify the display quality.
Note: Changing display quality changes the setting for all saved analyses (Zebra, Gaussian, and Curvature) that have this setting.
- Select All, Faces, Quilts, or Groups (Construction environment only), and then select the appropriate geometry.
- Click OK to analyze. If you prefer, click Apply to analyze and keep the dialog box open, and then continue to change settings and analyze as needed.