Some companies use custom hatch patterns to indicate a special material, surface finish, or to highlight an area for a manufacturing instruction. You can import AutoCAD standard pattern files into Inventor.
Two hatch patterns are available in that file- Sample1 and Sample2. Select Sample1, and click OK to close the Load Hatch Pattern dialog box. Click OK again to close the Select Hatch Pattern dialog box
Sample1 is now the active hatch pattern for this style. The image is a representation of the hatch pattern, but it is not a preview. The pattern lines are at an angle, and Angle reads 45 degrees.
The Sample1 hatch pattern is defined with the crosshatch lines at 27 and 48 degree angles. The default Angle setting shifts the pattern by 45 degrees. By changing Angle to 0 degrees, the pattern appears in the drawing the way it was created.
Click Save, and click Done.
On the Annotate tab, click Sketch Group Create Sketch. In the Draw group, click Project Geometry, and then select the four lines in the middle of the view. Click Done (ESC).
On the Sketch tab, in Draw group, click Fill/Hatch Region, and then click in the profile defined by the projected lines.
The pattern displays in the sketch. Although you selected the sample1 pattern, the rest of the settings did not update. The previous Angle setting does not work well with this pattern, so experiment with different angles.
In Angle, enter 90 degrees, and click OK.
The dialog box closes. Click Finish Sketch to return to the drawing. The section view resembles the following image.