Hatch Styles

Hatch patterns are used in section views, and to fill in the profiles in sketches. Most standards specify the use of a single hatch pattern, and the angle of the pattern is automatically changed on individual parts in model section views. Some companies use different hatch patterns for different materials to help differentiate them. In this exercise, you learn how to map hatch patterns to materials, import a custom hatch pattern, and override the appearance of a hatch pattern.

  1. Zoom into view A-A. Since it is a view of a single part, all profiles have the same hatch pattern.
  2. On the Manage tab, click Styles and Standards group Styles Editor.
  3. Expand the Standard node and select Modified Standard (ISO).
  4. Open the Material Hatch Pattern Defaults tab.

    The default hatch pattern is set to ANSI 31, and no materials are listed.

  5. In Import Materials, click From Library. All materials are imported from the Material Library, and they are all mapped to the default hatch pattern.
    Note: If materials do not display, confirm that the Material Library is available.
  6. Scroll down to Steel, Mild and click the hatch pattern. Then expand the Hatch Pattern list. The list includes ANSI 31, several ISO hatch patterns, and Other… .
  7. Click Other... to display the Select Hatch Pattern dialog box. Select the Offered box for ANSI 32 and click OK.

    The ANSI 32 hatch pattern is now available in drawing.

  8. To set the ANSI 32 hatch pattern as the default for the Steel, Mild material, select ANSI 32 from the Hatch Pattern list. Click Save, and Done.

    Once you map hatch patterns to materials, new section views automatically use those patterns. For existing views, you must update the hatch patterns manually.

  9. To update the hatch pattern in the section view, right-click the pattern, and select Pattern By Material

    The section view updates to use the ANSI 32 hatch pattern, as shown in the following image.

    The spacing on the hatch pattern is too close for this part cross-section.

  10. Right-click on the pattern and select Edit… .

    Change the Scale to 2, and click OK.

    The hatch pattern updates as shown in the following image.

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