Cooling Components

  On the Mold Layout tab, click Cooling Components.


Type Select the type of cooling component.


Place a connector plug or a pipe plug
Cylindrical Edge

Selects a cylindrical edge to mate with the center axis of the cooling component.

Place a sealing plug

Selects an axis to mate with the center axis of the cooling component. To specify the location of the cooling component, modify the dimensions in the graphics window.

Place an O-ring

Selects a cooling channel to mate with the center axis of the cooling component.


Selects a work plane or planar face to mate with the end face of the O-ring.

Place a baffle, a spiral core, a cascade water junction, or a heat transfer pipe.

Linear Create a cooling component on a plane with two linear edges as references.

Selects a planar face or work plane to mate with the end face of the cooling component.

Reference 1

Selects the first linear edge referenced for dimensioning the placement of the cooling component.

Reference 2

Selects the second linear edge referenced for dimensioning the placement of the cooling component.

Concentric Create a cooling component on a plane with a concentric reference.

Selects a planar face or work plane to mate with the end face of the cooling component.

Offset Value

Sets a value to offset the placement of the cooling component from the plane that is selected.

Concentric Reference

Selects a circular edge or cylindrical face to reference for the placement of the cooling component.

Trim Value

Sets the value by which to shorten the length of the cooling component. The cooling components with Trim Value option are: Baffle, Spiral Core, Cascade Water Junction, and Heat Transfer Pipe.