Use this procedure to place one or more instances of a specific type of architectural wall in the building model.
The process of creating a structural wall is similar.
- Open a floor plan view or a 3D view.
- Click
(Wall: Architectural).
- If you want to place a wall type other than the one displayed in the Type Selector, select a different type from the drop-down.
You can use the bottom part of the Properties palette to modify some of the instance properties for the selected wall type before you start placing instances. To open a dialog where you can edit the type properties, click
Edit Type. Any changes you make in the Type Properties dialog will apply to all existing instances of the current wall type as well as the ones you are about to place.
- On the Options Bar, specify the following:
- Level. (3D views only) Select a level for the wall’s base constraint. You can choose a non-story level. See Levels.
- Height. Select a level for the wall’s top constraint, or enter a value for the default setting of Unconnected. See Height/Depth of Walls.
- Location Line. Select which vertical plane of the wall you want to align with the cursor as you draw, or with the line or face you will select in the drawing area. For examples, see About the Wall Location Line.
- Chain. Select this option to draw a series of wall segments connected at endpoints.
- Offset. Optionally enter a distance to specify how far the wall’s location line will be offset from the cursor position or from a selected line or face (as described in the next step).
- On the Draw panel, select a draw tool to place the wall using one of the following methods:
- Draw the wall. Use the default Line tool
to place a straight wall segment by specifying both a start point and an endpoint in the drawing. Alternatively, you can specify the start point, move the cursor in the desired direction, and then enter a value for the wall length. Other tools on the Draw panel let you sketch rectangular, polygonal, circular, or arced layouts. For detailed descriptions of these tools, see About Sketching Elements.
As you are drawing a wall with any of these tools, you can press the Spacebar to flip the interior/exterior orientation of the wall in relation to its location line.
- Place the wall along an existing line. Use the Pick Lines
tool to place wall segments along lines you select in the drawing. The lines can be model lines, reference planes, or edges of elements, such as roofs, curtain panels, and other walls. Tip: To place walls simultaneously on an entire chain of lines, move the cursor over a line segment, press Tab to highlight them all, and then click.
- Place the wall on an existing face. Use the Pick Faces tool
to place a wall on a massing face or a generic model face that you select in the drawing. See Creating Walls from Mass Faces. Tip: To place walls simultaneously on all vertical faces on the mass or generic model, move the cursor over one of faces, press Tab to highlight them all, and then click.
- To exit the Wall tool, click Modify.