You use stiffeners to strengthen steel framing members, especially beams and columns in which there are openings. Stiffeners are modeled as Revit loadable families that represent the additional steel reinforcing material.
For information about openings in structural framing members, see Openings in Structural Elements.
To add a stiffener to a structural member opening
- Click Structure tab
Model panel
Component drop-down
Place a Component.
- On the Properties palette, select a stiffener type from the Type Selector drop-down.
Note: If the type of stiffener you want is not listed in the Type Selector, load additional stiffener families.
- Click Modify | Place Component tab
Placement panel
Place on Face or Place on Work Plane. Note: Structural stiffeners cannot be placed on structural element faces when the view is in wireframe mode.
- Using the drawing tools, add the desired stiffener reinforcement to the beam opening. For more information about sketching, see Sketching.