Orthographic 3D views show the building model in a 3D view where all components are the same size regardless of the camera’s distance.
An unnamed 3D view of the current project opens and displays in the Project Browser. If an unnamed view already exists in the project, the 3D tool opens the existing view.
You can rename the default 3D view by right-clicking the view name in the Project Browser, and clicking Rename. Named 3D views are saved with the project. When you rename the default, unnamed 3D view, the next time you click the 3D tool, Revit opens a new unnamed view.
You can use a section box to limit the viewable portion of a 3D view.
Click View tabCreate panel
3D View drop-down
Default 3D View.
This places the camera above the southeast corner of the model with the target positioned on the center of the ground floor.