Changing Element Types Using the Match Type Tool

Use the Match Type tool to convert one or more elements of the same category so that they match another selected type in the same category.

For example, you can select a generic 12” wall, and then select other walls of various types and convert them all to generic 12” walls.

The Match Type tool copies instance parameters from the source element to target elements. These instance parameters must be defined in the Family Editor.

  1. Click Modify tabClipboard panel (Match Type Properties).

    The cursor changes to a paint brush.

  2. Click an element of the type to which you want to convert other elements.

    The cursor paint brush is now full.


    Revit Structure


  3. Click an element of the same category to convert it to the type you selected.

    To convert multiple elements, continue clicking them individually, or on the Modify | Match Type tabMultiple panel, click (Select Multiple). Draw a selection box to select the elements, and click Finish Selection.

  4. If you want to select a new type, click an open space in the drawing area (or press Esc once) to empty the paint brush cursor and start over.
  5. To exit the tool, press Esc twice.

The following restrictions apply to the Match Type tool: