Inserting Layers into a Compound Structure

  1. Access the type properties of the compound element.
  2. For Structure, click Edit.

    The Edit Assembly dialog appears, allowing you to specify the material for layers and the thickness of those layers.

    Tip: If desired, create a new type in the Type Properties dialog by clicking New and entering a name for the type.
  3. Click Insert to insert layers.
  4. For Function, select a function for a layer.
  5. For Material, select a material for a layer.
    Note: If you wish to create a new material for the list, see the Materials tool. Among other settings, the Materials tool includes options for specifying cut patterns. For more information about materials, see Materials. For more information about creating and setting cut patterns, see Fill Patterns. You cannot choose material or thickness for core boundary layers.
  6. For Thickness, specify a thickness for a layer.
  7. If you want to move the position of the layer, select the layer, and click Up or Down.
  8. Set the detail level of the view: In the Project Browser, click the view name. In the Properties palette, set the Detail level property value to medium or fine.