Create the Winter scenario

As we've said before, Upfront CFD is all about product evolution through multiple design iterations. So far we've worked through the process of setting up the Summer scenario. Instead of repeating that effort to create the Winter scenario, we'll simply clone the Summer scenario, and change only the settings that are different.

1. In the Design Study bar, right click on Summer, and click Clone...

2. Enter the name Winter, and click OK.

3. In the Design Study bar, you should see the Winter scenario.

Note: All of the settings that we defined for the Summer scenario should also be assigned to the Winter scenario. In the next couple of steps, we'll change the supply temperature and the exterior reference temperature.

4. Change the exterior reference temperature:

5. Change the supply temperature:

What it should look like...

The Design Study bar for the Winter scenario should contain the two updated values. All other values should be the same as in the Summer scenario:

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