Data Standard Administration

Data Standard is a data control feature for the Vault Client, Inventor, and AutoCAD that allows administrators to enforce how users enter Vault data.

For some companies, users have too much freedom regarding Vault data. Users can deviate from company policy by selecting different folders in which to store design data, modifying properties for one file but not another, or ignoring naming schemes in one application but not another.

Data Standard allows administrators to customize dialogs that enforce a standardized workflow for entering Vault data across the Vault Client, AutoCAD, and Inventor applications. Since the Data Standard dialog is fully customizable, administrators can design the workflow that best suits their company's design needs.


The basic features of Data Standard are the same across all supported applications. Start your application, create a new document and start writing/designing your content. After the user first saves a file, the Data Standard dialog appears requesting certain data. Once the user has completed all of the fields, Data Standard generates the file name and location based on the data. The Save button becomes active only when all obligatory fields are complete.

Once the document has been saved, the entered data is mapped to the file's properties. The user does not have to worry about project folders, revising the file, or generating a file name. Data Standard does everything.

Note: See Using Data Standard for more information about the end user's process.

Administration and Customization

Because every customer and every organization is different, Data Standard needs to be highly configurable.
  • User interface is 100% user-definable.
  • User-defined properties have their own set of rules controlling when a property value is valid or not.
  • Control the location (folder) where the file is stored when it is saved.
  • Basic scenarios can be configured by editing the text based xml and xaml files.
  • If your logic is more complex, you can add your own dll written in any .net capable programming language.
  • Data Standard uses modern WPF technology for the user interface. This allows you to create very sophisticated solutions (e.g., leveraging a huge set of third party components).