Restore an Item

If you decide that a Work in Progress item and its associated files are invalid, use the Restore command to restore the item using the data from a previously released item.

You can either restore the associated CAD file or both the file and the complete item data. The associated CAD file is a new version based on the data from the version associated with the specified released item.


If the item was not created using the Assign Item command, you can only restore the item information. Restoring an item restores all the corresponding parent-child relationships.

Restore an Item

  1. Right-click an item, and select Restore.
  2. In the Restore to previous version dialog box, if necessary, select the down arrow and select a version to restore from the list. The drop-down list displays the previously released revisions of the item.

    The drop-down list only displays the revisions previous to the current revision.

  3. Select one of the following
    • Restore all: Replaces the item data and associated CAD files with the data and files for the specified revision. A new version of the files is created.
    • Restore associated file only: Leaves the item data unchanged and creates a new file version from the version associated with the revision of the item specified.

      For example, if the version of the file associated with the previous item revision is 2, and current file version before the restore is 4, the new file version is 5 after the restore.

  4. Click OK.
Note: Restoring an item does not change its revision number.