Enterprise industry model options are stored in the system database schema MAPSYS . While logged in as MAPSYS, use the Maintenance workspace in AutoCAD Map 3D to specify the following options and settings for all enterprise industry model users:
- Specify layout and directories for log files and user settings.
- View the data model codes of the current industry model.
- Check the current plug-ins
Note: You can turn off plug-ins for an enterprise industry model project to improve performance by clicking . You can also turn off the plug-in controls for all projects or industry models using . If you turn off a plug-in for all projects, the plug-in will not be available in specific projects, even if it is turned on.
- Specify map-related options for all industry models.
- Define settings for construction functions.
- Set Industry Model Explorer options to control general user interface behavior.
- Set Generate Graphic options to control the enterprise industry model viewport .
AutoCAD and AutoCAD Map 3D Options
Because AutoCAD Map 3D is built on top of AutoCAD, the options set for AutoCAD affect AutoCAD Map 3D.
For information on setting AutoCAD options, see the AutoCAD Help. For information on setting AutoCAD Map 3D options, see the User's Guide.
Steps in this workflow: