To set COGO options for industry models

  1. Log in as MAPSYS.
  2. In the AutoCAD Map 3D Maintenance workspace, connect to the enterprise industry model and open a project.
  3. Click Setup tab > Options panel > Global Industry Model Options.
  4. In the Application Options dialog box tree view, click COGO Options.
  5. Edit the options in the right pane.
    Right Angle Course Select one of the following:
    • Point Mode—The right angle course is defined by an arbitrary sequence of known points and measured sections.
    • Base Line Mode—The right angle course is defined by two existing points that specify the base line section followed by measured sections.

      See "Right Angle Course" in the User's Guide.

    Precision Specify calculation precision. The default is 0.001.
    Split Tolerance

    Specify whether a line can be considered straight after inserting or extracting a point.

    This value specifies the maximum distance of a point from the line, which must be greater than the spatial tolerance.

    See also "Line Processing (Vertices)" in the User's Guide.

    Split Line After Inserting Point Select this option to split the line after you use the Insert Point command.
    Point Insertion Settings

    Specify how the Precision and Reliability attributes are set by the Survey module when the Insert Point command is used to insert a point into a line. When an existing point is projected onto a line, its reliability is improved and its coordinates are changed.

    Precision Defines the feature attribute where the precision of an inserted point is saved.

    Defines the feature attribute where the reliability of the inserted point is saved.

    This attribute usually refers to a domain *_TBD. You can specify the value (*_TBD.ID) for the two states Reliable and Not Reliable. For example, reliability values could be stored in the domain table RELIABILITY_TBD where ID = 1 is not reliable and ID = 2 is reliable

    Reliable Specifies the reliable value ID. For example 2.
    Is Not Reliable

    Specifies the value ID when the inserted point is not reliable. For example 1.

    See also "Overview of Construction" in the User's Guide.