To set up the MAPSYS and MAPMAIN users for an Oracle system

MAPSYS is the enterprise industry model System user. This user has full Administrator rights.

For Oracle-based systems, if you do not want to provide Administrator rights to all enterprise industry model users, use MAPMAIN to provide restricted rights on MAPSYS. If you do this, administrative users must connect through MAPSYS. Non-administrative users log in to the enterprise industry model using MAPMAIN.

  1. In the Autodesk Industry Model Setup Wizard, under step 2, Manage System User, click Create.
  2. In the Create A New System User dialog box, enter the user name and a password for MAPSYS.
  3. Re-enter the password to confirm.
  4. Select the default and temporary table spaces MAPSYS will use.
    Note: The MDSYS and MAPSYS usernames and passwords are case sensitive in Oracle 11g.
  5. Click OK.

    The system creates the new MAPSYS user. This can take a few minutes.

  6. If the system cannot connect to the System User MAPSYS, do the following:
    • In the server explorer in the left pane, click System User.
    • Enter your password and click Refresh.
    Note: If you try to connect to MAPSYS using an incorrect password more than ten times, the MAPSYS account may be locked. To unlock the account, click Unlock.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Under step 3, Manage Main User, click Create.
    Note: If all users will have Admin access, you can skip this step.
  9. In the Create A New Main User dialog box, enter the user name, and a password.
    Note: Select the default and temporary table spaces MAPMAIN will use.
  10. Click Cancel to exit the setup program.

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