Log into your existing Oracle database via the Industry Model Setup wizard to create the users that AutoCAD Map 3D needs in your Oracle administration.
Establish the connection to the Oracle database that will serve your enterprise industry model. Log in as an Oracle user with rights on SYS.DBMS_RLS and DBA rights.
Note: Make sure the spatial user, MDSYS, is unlocked and the password is current. If the MDSYS is not set up, you can use the setup wizard to unlock the username and set a password.
- Make sure that Oracle Services are running and you have your Oracle login names and passwords available.
- Start the Setup application.
Click .
- Under 1. Connect To Enterprise Industry Model, specify your industry model type as Oracle.
- Log in as an Oracle user with rights on SYS.DBMS_RLS and DBA rights (default “SYS”). The default service name (SID) is ORCL. Enter your login credentials.
- Click Next to establish the connection.
If the spatial user, MDSYS, is not set up, the wizard displays the Connect To Database - Manage Spatial User step. Unlock the username and set a password. If your Spatial System User MDSYS is set up correctly, this step will be skipped.
Note: The MDSYS and MAPSYS usernames and passwords are case sensitive in Oracle 11g.