To Define a Server-side Feature Rule

  1. In the Infrastructure Administrator, do one of the following:
    • Click Enterprise and connect to the enterprise industry model. Open a project.
    • Click File and open an industry model drawing or template.
  2. Expand the Industry Model node.
  3. Right-click a feature class in the data model explorer and click Edit Feature Rules.
  4. Click the Server Side tab.
  5. Click New (next to the Rule Base Definitions area).
    Note: To create new feature rule groups, first create the new feature rules. Then, in the Feature Rules Properties dialog box, click New Group.
  6. Define the rules, as shown in the following table:
    Row Trigger Specify either selected (1) for row trigger or deselected (0) for statement trigger.
    ID Primary key in TB_RULE_DEF. See Feature Rule IDs.

    Specify the name of the feature rule. Assign a unique name to each feature rule, and add a suffix to indicate the event. For example, add AU for after update.

    A name for a rule that is part of a group should contain the group name <GROUPNAME>_<ACTION>. For example MoveConnectedLines_BU and MoveConnectedLines_AU.

    Description Specify a description for the new feature rule.
    Execute Col The trigger executes only when an attribute matching the specified name is modified. If the text box is empty, it will always execute. Specify the attribute that executes the trigger.
    Default Priority Set the default priority. If assigned to a feature class, this default value can be modified for each feature class. See Feature Rule Priorities.
    Template Values These primary settings can be modified later for each feature class to which the rule has been assigned.
    Parameters Specify parameters that can be used in the trigger text. You can use up to 10 parameters. While you are entering the trigger text, all used parameters (%P1 - %P10) are shown and you can enter a name (1st parameter) and a default value (2nd parameter).
    Trigger Text Specify the trigger text.

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