To create a project

  1. Start the Infrastructure Administrator.

    Click Start menu > Programs > Autodesk > Autodesk Infrastructure Administrator 2015 > Autodesk Infrastructure Administrator 2015 .

  2. Click Enterprise > Connect To Enterprise.
  3. In the Login dialog box, connect to the enterprise industry model.
  4. Enter the credentials for the system user you created in Set Up the MAPSYS and MAPMAIN Users for an Oracle System or Procedure: Set Up the MAPSYS User for a SQL Server System.

    For example, enter Administrator as the User Name.

    If you have not changed the Administrator password, leave the Password field blank. If you have changed the Administrator password, enter that password.

  5. Click Advanced to make sure that the MAPSYS credentials and connection entries are correct. Then click Connect.
  6. In Infrastructure Administrator, click Enterprise menu > Create Enterprise Project.
  7. Enter a project name, for example WS_water, and click Create.