Importing and Exporting Points
Topics in this section
About Importing and Exporting Points
You can use commands to import point data, export point data, and transfer point data between files.
About Point File Formats
Use a point file format to describe how point data is arranged in a file when you import, transfer, or export points.
To Adjust Point Level During Import and Transfer
About Calculating Convergence Angles During Export
Include the
column in a point file format that is used for exporting points.
About Calculating Scale Factors During Export
Include the
Scale Factor
column in a point file format that is used for exporting points.
To Create a User Point File Format
To Create a User Point Database Format
To Create a Point File Format Based on an Existing Format
To Import Point Data
To Import Point Data From an ASCII File Containing User Defined Columns
About Exporting Point Data
Export drawing points to an ASCII (text) file or a Microsoft® Access
To Export Point Data
About Transferring Point Data Between Files
Use the Transfer Points utility to transfer point data from a source file to a destination file. Either file can be an ASCII (text) file or a Microsoft® Access database file.
To Transfer Point Data Between Files
To Convert Points to a Different Coordinate Zone
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