
View videos that demonstrate AutoCAD Civil 3D functionality.

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Get Started

Understanding the User Interface


No Audio

Familiarize yourself with the user interface.

Import and Purge Styles


With Audio

Import styles and settings from a template or drawing, and purge unused styles and settings.

Create Data Shortcuts


No Audio

Create reference copies of objects that you can import from one drawing into other drawings.

Find and Replace Styles


With Audio

Find objects and settings that reference a style, and then replace one style with another.

Creating a Pressure Network Parts List


With Audio

Define the components that are available when you lay out a pressure network.

Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D with Autodesk Roadway Design for InfraWorks 360


With Audio

Accelerate the design process using workflows that take advantage of interoperability between Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D and Autodesk Roadway Design for InfraWorks 360.

Import and Create Base Data

Query Survey Data


With Audio

Create a query to filter the contents of a survey database.

Add Survey Query Results to a Surface


With Audio

Use the results of a survey query to build a surface.

Update Imported Survey Data


No Audio

Modify imported survey data using import events.

Import Points from a Database


No Audio

Import COGO points from a database into a drawing.

Create a Description Key Set and Description Keys


No Audio

Create sets of description keys to sort points as they are imported into a drawing.

Exchange Data Between Autodesk InfraWorks and AutoCAD Civil 3D


With Audio

Export objects from a conceptual model into AutoCAD Civil 3D for detailed design and analysis.

Model a Surface

Create a Surface


No Audio

Create a TIN surface definition, and then import point data into the surface definition.

Create Catchments


With Audio

Create catchment objects to model drainage areas on a surface.

Create a TIN Surface


No Audio

Create an empty TIN surface definition.

Create a Grading Criteria Set and Criteria


No Audio

Create sets of standard formulas for creating graded slopes.

Add Data to a Surface


No Audio

Add contour data to an existing surface definition.

Gradient from a Building Footprint


No Audio

Gradient from a building footprint to a surface.

Create Waterdrop Paths


No Audio

Create waterdrop paths to analyze surface water runoff.

Use a Surface as a Hide Boundary


With Audio

Visualize two overlapping surfaces by using one surface as a hide boundary for the other.

Design Horizontal and Vertical Objects

Create Plots


No Audio

Create plots from AutoCAD objects.

Label Alignment Intersection Points


With Audio

Display and label explicit and implied intersection points on an alignment.

Create an Alignment


No Audio

Draw a horizontal alignment using constraint-based alignment layout tools.

Design a Simple Profile


No Audio

Create simple existing ground and layout profiles for an alignment.

Grip Edit an Alignment


No Audio

Graphically modify alignment geometry.

Create a Pipe Network


No Audio

Design a pipe network using an existing polyline, and then use the Pipe Network Layout Tools to add structures and pipes.

Alignment Tangency Constraints


With Audio

Work with the constraints that affect how alignment sub-entities maintain tangency to adjacent sub-entities.

Create a Rail Alignment


With Audio

Specify the properties and lay out the geometry of a railway alignment.

Lay Out a Pressure Network in Plan


With Audio

Lay out the horizontal design of a pressure network.

Lay Out a Pressure Network in Profile


With Audio

Refine the vertical design of a pressure network.

Create a Pressure Network from a Water Industry Model


With Audio

Create a pressure network from a water industry model that was created in AutoCAD Map 3D.

Drawing and Editing a Pressure Network in Model


With Audio

Lay out and edit a pressure network in the model view.

Adjust the Accuracy of a Corridor Model


With Audio

Accurately model corridor curves and apply clean transitions at offset targets.

Lock a Profile to Alignment Geometry


With Audio

Anchor layout profile geometry to alignment geometry.

Model a Corridor

Create a Corridor Assembly


With Audio

Create a corridor cross section that can be placed at intervals along an alignment, and then connected together to form a corridor model.

Create a Basic Corridor


No Audio

Create a sectional assembly of a corridor, and then create a corridor by applying the assembly along an alignment and profile.

Create a Junction


No Audio

Create a three-way junction that maintains the crowns of both intersecting roads.

Edit a Corridor in Section


With Audio

Explore some of the powerful tools in the AutoCAD Civil 3D Section Editor.

Superelevation Axis of Rotation


With Audio

Design a superelevated carriageway that uses axis of rotation pivot points.

Create Sample Lines


No Audio

Create sample lines along the centerline alignment of a corridor model.

Calculate Cant Along an Alignment


With Audio

Calculate the amount by which rails are raised or lowered through a curve.

Sample Multiple Baselines


With Audio

Use a single section to sample multiple baselines or corridors at the same time.

Analyze Data

Create a Mass Haul Diagram


No Audio

Create a mass haul diagram that displays free haul and overhaul volumes for a project site.

Export Data to Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis


With Audio

Export catchments and a pipe network to the Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis application.

Calculating Cut and Fill Volumes


With Audio

Calculate a site's cut and fill volumes and see the calculations change dynamically as you modify the surface.

Drive Along a Linear Object


With Audio

Use the Drive command to visualize a model by traversing along a linear path.

Annotate Objects

Rotating Unanchored Labels


With Audio

Move and rotate an unanchored label, independent from its insertion point marker.

Convert Plot Segment Labels to Tags for Display in a Table


No Audio

Add plot segment labels, and then convert the labels to tags that correspond to the contents of a table.

Edit Text in a Label


No Audio

Add text to an instance of a label.

Add a Watershed Legend Table


No Audio

Add a surface watershed legend table to a drawing.

Label Corridor Points in Section Views


With Audio

Use a label set to label corridor points in section views.