Change Assembly Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to select an assembly either from a list or from the drawing area.
Connect Feature Lines Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to change the feature line display styles or to modify how a corridor’s feature lines are connected.
Corridor Style Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to make it easier to locate and work with corridor region boundaries and assembly insertion chainages by changing their display.
Corridor Surfaces Dialog Box
This dialog box lets you create corridor surfaces, and boundaries on corridor surfaces.
Create Corridor Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to specify the parameters for the new corridor, including alignment, profile, assembly, and target surface.
Match Region Parameters Dialog Box
This dialog box lets you select the parameters to match (assembly, target, frequency) to selected corridor regions.
Section Editor Ribbon Tab
Use this ribbon to view and modify cross-sections at chainages along a corridor.
Select a Feature Line Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to select a feature line when you have made an ambiguous selection in the drawing.
Select a Profile Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to select a profile either from a list or from the drawing area.
Select a Subassembly to Insert
Use this dialog box to select a detached subassembly to insert when you are using the Edit/View Corridor Section Tools to override corridor and assembly parameter sections.
Select Elements by Layer Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to select feature lines, survey figures and polylines to target either for width or offset, or for slope or level.