The Area Shadow generator can be applied to any light type to achieve the effect of an area shadow effect. In order to create an area shadow, the user needs to specify the dimensions of a virtual light created to "fake" an area shadow.
The mental ray renderer does not support Area shadows. When it encounters a light with this shadow type, it generates ray-traced shadows instead, and displays a warning to that effect. While the mental ray renderer does not use the Area shadow type, it can generate area shadows: use a photometric light set to a light shape other than Point. See Shape/Area Shadows Rollout.
Area shadows create a soft edge that becomes more noticeable as the distance between the object and the shadow increases.
A: Penumbra (soft area)
B: Shadow
Area shadow cast by a point light
The shape of the area shadow array affects how shadows are cast.
Left: Rectangle
Right: Box
The faces inside the sliced sphere do not cast shadows if 2-Sided Shadows is off.
The number of rays is as follows:
1=4 rays
2=5 rays
3 to N=NxN rays.
For example, setting Shadow Integrity to 5 generates 25 rays.
This is the primary control for “finding” small objects and thin spaces between objects. If the shadows are missing a small object in your scene, try increasing Shadow Integrity one step at a time. Also, if the penumbra (soft area) is blotchy, try increasing this setting.
Increasing the Shadow Integrity value creates more accurate shadow contour and detail.
These rays are projected from every point that is in the penumbra, or antialiased edge of the shadow, to smooth it out.
The number of rays is as follows:
For example, setting Shadow Quality to 5 generates 25 rays.
The Shadow Quality value should always be greater than the Shadow Integrity value. This is because 3ds Max overlays the secondary rays atop the first pass's rays using the same algorithm.
Increase Shadow Quality to fix banding in the penumbra, and eliminate the noise pattern from jittering.
Increasing the Shadow Quality value produces a more accurate penumbra (soft area) within the contour defined by the Shadow Integrity value.
Increasing jitter blends the individual shadow samples.
3ds Max uses these dimensions to compute the area shadowing. They do not affect the actual light object.