Freeze Non-Selected Curves makes all non-highlighted animation curves uneditable in Track View. Default=On.
Freeze Non-Selected Curves has the following properties:
To edit multiple curves without having to select them all, turn Freeze Non-Selected Curves off. Turn Freeze Non-Selected Curves On when you have multiple vertices on multiple curves all in the same place.
Example: To freeze non-selected curves:
The X/Y/Z Position tracks are all highlighted in the Hierarchy list, and their curves appear in the Edit window. You can drag keys belonging to any curve.
Now only the red X Position curve is visible.
The other two curves reappear, and are editable.
The Y Position and Z Position curves remain visible, but display as black lines.
The cursor doesn't change to a crosshair, indicating that you can't modify the vertex.
All three curves remain visible, but in each case the two non-highlighted tracks display as black lines and are not editable.