Freeze Non-Selected Curves

Freeze Non-Selected Curves makes all non-highlighted animation curves uneditable in Track View. Default=On.

Freeze Non-Selected Curves has the following properties:


Example: To freeze non-selected curves:

  1. Animate an object's position.
  2. Right-click the object and from the context menu choose Curve Editor. In Track View, open the Show menu Auto Expand submenu and make sure all of the following items are on (checked):
    • Selected Objects Only
    • Transforms
    • XYZ Components

    The X/Y/Z Position tracks are all highlighted in the Hierarchy list, and their curves appear in the Edit window. You can drag keys belonging to any curve.

  3. On the Show menu, make sure Hide Non-Selected Curves is on. This is the default setting.
  4. In the Hierarchy list, click the X Position item.

    Now only the red X Position curve is visible.

  5. From the Show menu, choose Show Non-Selected Curves.

    The other two curves reappear, and are editable.

  6. From the Show menu, choose Freeze Non-Selected Curves.

    The Y Position and Z Position curves remain visible, but display as black lines.

  7. Position the mouse cursor over a vertex on the Y Position or Z Position curve.

    The cursor doesn't change to a crosshair, indicating that you can't modify the vertex.

  8. In the Hierarchy list, click the Y Position item and then the Z Position item.

    All three curves remain visible, but in each case the two non-highlighted tracks display as black lines and are not editable.