layerstate-restore (AutoLISP)

Restores a layer state into the current drawing

Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac OS


(layerstate-restore layerstatename viewport [restoreflags])

Type: String

Name of the layer to restore.


Type: ads_name

An ename of the viewport to which layerstatename should be restored. If viewport is nil, the layer state is restored to model space.


Type: Integer

Optional numeric sum affecting how the layer state is restored.

1 -- Turn off all layers not in the restored layer state

2 -- Freeze all layers not in the restored layer state

4 -- Restore the layer state properties as viewport overrides (requires viewport to be not a nil value).

Return Values

Type: List or nil

nil if the layer state does not exist or contains no layers; otherwise, returns a list of layer names.


(layerstate-restore "myLayerState" viewportId 5)
("Layername1" "Layername2")