Creates 3D wall-like solid.
You can create walls with straight and curved segments of constant height and width.
With the POLYSOLID command, you can convert an existing line, 2D polyline, arc, or circle to a solid with a rectangular profile. A polysolid can have curved segments, but the profile is always rectangular by default.
You can draw a solid with POLYSOLID just as you would a polyline. The PSOLWIDTH system variable sets the default width for the solid. The PSOLHEIGHT system variable sets the default height for the solid.
The following prompts are displayed.
Specifies a starting point for a polysolid segment.
Specifies an object to convert to a solid. You can convert:
Specifies the height of the solid. The default height is set to the current PSOLHEIGHT setting.
Specifies the width of the solid. The default width is set to the current PSOLWIDTH setting.
Sets the width and height of the solid to be left, right, or center justified when defining the profile with the command. The justification is based on the starting direction of the first segment of the profile.
Specifies the next point of the polysolid profile.
Adds an arc segment to the solid. The default starting direction of the arc is tangent to the last drawn segment. You can specify a different starting direction with the Direction option.
Closes the solid by creating a linear or arc segment from the last vertex to the start of the solid.
Specifies the arc segment by setting a starting tangent direction and an endpoint.
Exits the Arc prompt and draws straight-line segments.
Specifies the second point and endpoint of a three-point arc segment.
Removes the most recent arc segment added to the solid.
Closes the polysolid by creating a line or arc segment from the last point specified to the starting point of the solid. At least three points must be specified to use this option.
Removes the most recent segment added to the solid.