To Work With Multiline Text Changes

Change Multiline Text Properties

  1. Select a multiline text object.
  2. Right-click the selected object. Click Properties.
  3. In the Properties palette, enter any new text and change formatting and other settings as needed.

Change Multiline Text Location

You can use many of the common modifying commands and grips to move multiline text objects. A multiline text object has grips at the four corners of the text boundary and, in some cases, at the justification point.

When you need to align or move multiline text objects, you can use the Node and Insertion object snaps for precision.
Note: If the OSNAPNODELEGACY system variable is set to 0, the Node object snap ignores multiline text.

Change the Width of Multiline Text

  1. Double-click the multiline text object.
  2. In the In-Place Text Editor, use one of the following methods:
    • Move the cursor over the right column boundary of the text frame until the cursor changes to a double arrow. Drag the cursor to adjust the column width. For multiple columns, drag any right column boundary to set the width.
    • Move the cursor over the right end of the ruler until the cursor changes to a double arrow. As you drag to the right to stretch the ruler, a tooltip displays the width. Release to set a new width.
    • Right-click the bottom of the ruler. Click Set Mtext Width. In the dialog box, enter the width in drawing units.
  3. To save your changes and exit the editor, use one of the following methods:
    • Click Text Editor contextual tab > Close panel > Close Text Editor.
    • Click in the drawing outside the editor.
    • Press Ctrl+Enter.