Saves, restores, and manages sets of layer settings that are called layer states.
Displays a list of saved layer states in the drawing. You can create, rename, edit, and delete layer states.
The following options are displayed.
Lists the layer states that have been saved in the drawing.
Controls whether layer states in xrefs are displayed.
Creates and saves a new layer state.
Displays the New Layer State to Save dialog box, where you can create a new layer state by providing a name, specifying layer settings, and entering an optional description.
Saves the current layer settings in the drawing to the selected layer state, replacing the previously saved settings. It also saves the default Layer Properties to Restore settings.
Displays the Edit Layer State dialog box, where you can modify a selected layer state, which is then automatically saved.
Renames the selected layer state.
Removes the selected layer state.
Displays a standard file selection dialog box, where you can load a previously exported layer state (LAS) file into the current drawing.
Layer states in any DWG, DWS, or DWT files can be imported. Additional layers might be created as a result of importing a layer state file. When a layer state file is selected, the Select Layer States dialog box is displayed, where you can select the layer states to import.
Displays a standard file selection dialog box, where you can save the selected layer state to a layer state (LAS) file.
Restores the layer settings saved in the specified layer state, depending on which settings are checked in the Layer Properties to Restore column.
Closes the Layer States Manager.
When a layer state is restored, turns off new layers for which settings were not saved, so that the drawing appears the way it did when the layer state was saved.
Applies the selected layer state as layer property overrides to the current layout viewport.
This option is available only on a layout within a layout viewport.
Displays additional options in the Layer States Manager.
Applies only the specified layer property settings when the specified layer state is restored.
The Visibility in Current Viewport option is available only for layout viewports, and the On/Off and Frozen/Thawed options are available only for model space viewports.
Selects all the layer property settings.
Clears all the layer property settings.