To Add Superelevation Cross-Section Diagrams Along an Alignment
Add block diagrams that represent the cross section at each superelevation transition point.
To add superelevation cross-section diagrams, compose a separate label style for each of the Superelevation Critical Points that you want to label. Use the Alignment Labels dialog box to add each of the point label styles to the alignment. You can save the collection of superelevation critical point labels as a label set, which you can apply to other alignments.
Compose a label style for each type of superelevation critical point that you want to label.
Each style must contain a block component that refers to an appropriate representation of the cross section at that type of geometry point. Optionally, each style can include text, tick, and line components.
Click Annotate tabLabels & Tables panelAdd Labels menuAlignmentAdd/Edit Station LabelsFind.
Select an alignment in the drawing to open the Alignment Labels dialog box.
In the Alignment Labels dialog box, in the Type list, select Superelevation Critical Points.
In the Superelevation Label Style list, select a style for the superelevation critical geometry point.
Click Add.
In the Superelevation Critical Points dialog box, click Deselect All. Select the superelevation critical points that correspond to the style you selected in Step 4. Click OK.
In the Start Station column, either clear the check box and enter a new starting station value, or accept the default.
In the End Station column, either clear the check box and enter a new end station value, or accept the default.
Note: The default start and end stations for each label type are the beginning and end of the alignment. To change either the start station or end station, clear the check box, and enter new start station and end station values.
Repeat Steps 3 through 8 to add the remaining superelevation critical points.
Add other alignment label types as desired.
Optionally, click Save Label Set to save the current label configuration as a label set.