Use this tab to format table text style and structure.
Table Settings
Wrap Text
Forces text to fit within a specified column width by wrapping it in multiple lines.
Note: Wrap text applies to columns that are not set to automatic width.
Maintain View Orientation
Specifies whether the table is realigned if the drawing view is rotated or twisted.
- Selected: Realigns the table to the view direction.
- Cleared: Does not realign the table.
Repeat Title In Split Tables
Specifies whether titles are duplicated in split tables.
- Selected: Duplicates the title in all table sections.
- Cleared: Creates split tables without titles on the second and additional sections.
Repeat Column Headers In Split Tables
Specifies whether column headers are duplicated in split tables.
- Selected: Duplicates the column headers in all table sections.
- Cleared: Creates split tables without headers on the second and additional sections.
Sort Data
Specifies whether table data is sorted based on a selected column.
- Selected: Sorts table data based on the specified column.
- Cleared: Orders table contents in the order in which the objects are drawn.
Sorting Column
Specifies the column to sort.
Specifies how to sort the column.
- Ascending: Sorts from lowest to highest.
- Descending: Sorts from highest to lowest.
Text Settings
Title Style
Specifies a text style for the title.
Header Style
Specifies a text style for the column headings.
Data Style
Specifies a text style for the row data.
Specifies the height values for Title, Header, and Data text.
Controls the composition of data. You can do the following:
- Edit the title or column headings. Double-click the text to display the Text Component Editor.
- Edit the column widths (see Column Width below).
- Edit the content of the data columns. Double-click a Column Value cell to display the Text Component Editor.
- Rearrange the order of columns. Select the column and drag it. The first column is reserved as the tag column and cannot be moved.
Table Headers
- Table Title (for example, “Line Table”)
Specifies the title contents. To edit the title, double-click the text (such as “Line Table”) to display the Text Component Editor. For more information, see Text Component Editor.
- Column Title
Specifies the column heading contents. To edit the headings, double-click the text to display the Text Component Editor.
Note: Except for alignment table styles, the Properties tab in the Text Component Editor is disabled when you edit column heading text.
Column Width
Specifies column widths. Click
and select one of the following options:
Automatic: Sizes the column width according to the longest text string in the table.
Manual: Sets the column width according to a specified character width. Note: When you specify a fixed width and do not select the Wrap Text option, and the content exceeds the column width, the value in the column is a series of #### characters equal to the width of the column.
Column Value
Specifies the content for each table column. The content can be derived from a combination of static text and property fields associated with a feature.
To edit the column values, double-click a cell in the row. Use the Properties tab in the Text Component Editor to define the column’s dynamic content.
Adds a column at the end of the table. Because the new column is empty, you must define a column heading, width, and value. The column width is set to Automatic width by default.
Deletes a column. Select the column you want to delete and then click the icon.
The first column cannot be deleted.