About Creating an Alignment From a Pressure Network

Use the Create Alignment From Pressure Network command to extract the centerline from the pressure network and convert it into an alignment.

The initial elevation data for a pressure network is created during the plan layout. To refine the vertical design, you work in profile view. To generate the profile view, you can create an alignment from the pressure network and then generate a profile and profile view from that alignment.

Select points along the pressure network to define the alignment path.

Note: An alignment must be associated with the pressure network in order to generate the pressure network profile, however, it is not required that the alignment be created directly from the pressure network using the Create Alignment From Pressure Network command. You can also add pressure network parts to an existing profile. For more information, see To Add a Pressure Network to a Profile View.

The alignment and pressure pipe are dynamically linked. When pressure network components are added, moved, modified, or erased, or if existing pressure network parts are replaced with new parts that may be different from the original parts, the alignment will automatically update.

Important: An alignment created with the Create Alignment From Pressure Network command is not intended to be a tool for editing the pipe network geometry. If the alignment geometry is directly manipulated, it will be disconnected from the pressure network.