Refer to this section for high-level descriptions of tasks you might perform when designing roundabouts.
Set the Driving Direction option | Before you begin, set the Driving Direction option in Drawing Settings to either Left Side of the Road or Right Side of the Road, depending on your project’s needs. |
Create required alignment styles and label styles | Styles control the display and design characteristics of drawing objects. You may also want to create alignment labels that are specifically designed for roundabouts. |
Set up the data required to create the roundabout | Create the base geometry required to create the roundabout. You must have at least two alignments. |
Create the roundabout | Use the Create Roundabout command, follow the prompts, and configure the roundabout dialog boxes. |
Edit the roundabout | You can add slip lanes, approach roads, or move the roundabout. |
After you have created a roundabout, the 2D layout can be continued to be designed in profile, and you can also create a corridor using existing methods.