To import coverage areas

Import coverage polygons representing parking areas, empty lots, parks, and so on. Coverages can also be used to shape terrain, create terrain holes, specify avoidance areas, and create surface modifications.

Coverage areas are draped on top of terrain to look three-dimensional.

  1. Follow the general import instructions.
  2. On the Data Source Configuration screen, on the Common tab, map a property from the data source to Category or specify a style for the coverage.

    If you do not specify a style, the material for a coverage polygon is determined by its category attribute. For example, you can specify that all parking lots are gray, while bikeways are green. Features with unspecified categories use a default style.

  3. On the Source tab, select Convert Closed Polylines to Polygons.

Advanced Tips

You can create surface modifications by creating 3D coverage polygons. You can draw these by hand to apply them as breaklines to the base ground, or you can import 3D polyline breaklines as Coverages.

With InfraWorks 360 with Roadway Design® you can specify coverages as avoidance areas for optimization of design roads.

To flatten an area, see To shape terrain.