To manage online scenarios

Manage scenarios you have already published to the cloud. View the name, size, and latest publication/sync date of each scenario. You can remove a scenario from its shared model, open a scenario in the Web Viewer, or email an invitation to a stakeholder to view the scenario using the InfraWorks 360 iPad app.

Publically available scenarios are checkmarked.

From InfraWorks Home:

  1. Click to display a horizontal menu.
  2. Click to open the Manage panel, then click the Manage Online Scenarios tab.

  3. Display the correct design group, if you belong to more than one.
    • Click X to Remove the online version of a scenario from its model.

      Local copies are unchanged. The scenario definition in the model remains.

    • Click Email URL to share a scenario by invitation to a stakeholder. Invited viewers who are not InfraWorks 360 users need the InfraWorks 360 iPad app.
    • Click Open In Web Browser to view the scenario on your computer.
    • If Public is checkmarked, anyone with the InfraWorks 360 iPad app can view the scenario.
    • Note: You cannot make a scenario public from this panel. Use the Scenario Editor asset card to change publication rights.

The panel is a static list. To display recent changes, click Refresh if the panel has been open for a while.