To get set up with an Autodesk InfraWorks 360 subscription account of your own, ask your Autodesk contract manager or software coordinator to give you an Autodesk InfraWorks 360 entitlement.
Once you are entitled, the next time you sign-in to InfraWorks 360, you automatically get a subscription account in your own name. A subscription account entitles you to use InfraWorks 360 for commercial, professional and for-profit purposes.
As an account administrator, you can add new users and new groups to your account, including designating a user as an account administrator on your account and a group Admin. See To add users to design groups and assign them roles.
If InfraWorks 360 detects that you do not have a InfraWorks 360 subscription or trial account, it automatically makes you an administrator of a free, 30-day trial account.
As a new trial account administrator, you start with a default group with a name like this: "Default_Group@YourName (trial). You can now add members to the group and start collaborating on shared models connected to InfraWorks 360.
This trial account is for product evaluation purposes only. It does not license you to use Autodesk InfraWorks 360 for commercial-professional or for-profit purposes.
To obtain a subscription account, contact your Autodesk contract manager or software coordinator.